

Vortrag entfällt: On the Abrupt Decline of Interaural Time Difference Sensitivity at 1400 Hz

* Presenting author
Day / Time: 16.08.2021, 09:40-10:00
Room: Lehar 3
Typ: Regulärer Vortrag
Article ID:
Online-access: Bitte loggen Sie sich ein, damit weitere Inhalte sichtbar werden (bspw. der Zugang zur Onlinesitzung).
Abstract: It is well-established that in normal-hearing humans the threshold of interaural time differences (ITDs) for pure tones increases dramatically above about 1250 Hz, only to become unmeasurable above 1400 Hz. However, the common understanding is that the actual decline in sensitivity is more gradual and only appears to be abrupt because it dips below the threshold correct rate near 1400 Hz.Here we present pure tone behavioral data for different frequencies and ITDs obtained with a constant stimulus procedure. The data indicate virtually no sensitivity at 1500 Hz (correct rate within 5% of guessing rate), and consequently an even steeper decline in ITD sensitivity than previously assumed. The steep decline cannot be explained by the decline of phase locking of the auditory nerve fibers or by any model of binaural processing.